*2023-2024 Volunteer form*

Teacher Appreciation Week will be here before we know it! A sign up sheet will be posted soon for lunch coverage May 6th and May 10th. Details to come. šŸ˜€

Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator if you'd like to learn more about opportunities to volunteer at Bryson. Melody Bolinger brysonptavolunteer@gmail.com.Ā 

If you are considering volunteering at the school this year, whether it's being a chaperone at your child's field trip, lunch duty or PTA events, please apply for Level II Volunteer status as soon as possible.Ā 

Level II Volunteer https://www.greenville.k12.sc.us/Parents/main.asp?titleid=volunteers

School Visitor GuidelinesĀ 

Volunteers of the Month 2022-23

April: Lois Scarpetta

March: Sheila Urbina

February: Kristen Bell

January: Veronica Ramos

December: Carissa Sanders

November: Ed Fisher

October: Christina Ayers

September: Caroline Mercer


May 15, 2023 - Bryson Administration thanked all volunteers by hosting an annual Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast. From helping with PTA events, being involved in the SIC, mentoring students, coaching Run Hard, or covering lunches for staff there are always ways to help at BES that directly assist our Bears. We are so very thankful for everyone that contributes their time each year.

BES Staff vote annually on the Volunteer of the Year, and this year there was no surprise that it was awarded to Carissa Sanders!

She is our Santa Shop Chair and made this event such an incredible experience for our Bears! She worked on finding deals all year long to provide an assortment of gifts for each and every family member. It was a joy to watch so many Bears be able to thoughtfully pick out items for their loved ones!

Carissa also volunteers and coordinates ways to support our Bears with the Fountain Inn HUB. From arranging school supplies to catering meals, she has helped so many with her work through this organization.

She comes in every week to help in each of her Bearsā€™ classrooms - whether itā€™s covering lunch duty, helping in centers, or working on 4th grade math, she juggles it all and does so with kindness and love. If you look up ā€œservantā€™s heartā€ in the dictionary, youā€™ll see a picture of her. We are so very thankful for her time and devotion as well as the entire Sanders Crew!Ā